I wouldn’t say I have a relationship with books, well I don’t anymore. It’s been this way for the past few years and that is because of school. I decided to major in English, which means that I have a lot of reading to do for my classes and they’re books that I wouldn’t usually go for. Therefore when I have any free time I definitely wouldn’t gravitate to picking up a book to read. However, before I decided to major in English, i did read books. My favorite type of books are either dark humor type of stories or romance.( I’m a hopeless romantic). I remember the first book I interacted with is 50 shades of gray series, i was a sophomore in high school and most definitely wasn’t allowed to read this type of book because it was far from being PG 13. After reading this series I started reading other books like the Hunger games etc. I then got into the kindle and started using that to read my books.
I would look around my house for books but I know the only book i’ll find is the Bible. My family is catholic and that’s the only book they read.
After our last class discussion, from my knowledge I believe what differs a book from other sources of information and delight is how there’s a beginning, middle and end to a book. The physical look of a book, the front cover and the back cover of it. The chapters and page numbers differ a book from other sources of information like a podcast. A podcast is a different form of telling a story or one’s perspective, but it doesn’t have a physical cover, nor chapters and page numbers and to my knowledge that’s what a book is to me.

Thank you for sharing your story with regards to reading. Your picture with the kindle reminded me of how bad I also wanted to read online when I read a hardcover book for the first time. Even I’m sure I just had a book in bad condition, I remember the intense smell of the pages, how my hands ached from just holding the book up for too long, the constant struggle to flip the pages when I wanted to simple relax on my bed. I hope by the end of this semester, you will come around to reading hardcover books (as I have). They are a fun and different kind of experience.
Hi, I know that the kindle can be easier to read in terms of the ability to get comfortable in beds with the light dim. The hardcover book is easier for me because I can hold the book and make reference to certain pages like writing little notes on it. I know their might be pros and cons to having a book in your hand. The book might have a series that might not be on kindle or other digital device. The digital v the actual book preference is dependent on the person who is interested in reading.
Lisbel, I totally understand being too overwhelmed with school to pick up books. When I was working on my PhD all I had the focus for was YA novels (I still read and love them!). I can feel like a task to engage with reading when it’s your job 🙂
I hope this semester we’ll challenge this idea of the codex (the thing with a cover, pages, beginning and end) as the only thing we count as a book — though it’s definitely come to define our modern life!