#1 Blog: Shelfie Reflection
#1 Blog: Shelfie Reflection

#1 Blog: Shelfie Reflection

In my opinion, I believe that a book is a traditional definition, as described on Google: a written or printed work consisting of pages glued or sewn together along one side and bound in covers. However, as we discussed in class, I believe that there are certain types of media that share some aspects of books, like podcasts for example. A podcast can tell stories either about the host or a specific topic, without the traditional aspect of the story being told in book format.

To me, books are a doorway to a fictional landscape that tunes out the real world in favor of another that is either mostly, somewhat, or completely fictional. Ever since I was a preteen, they have been an escape tool—a very entertaining one at that. However, I must admit that I have not been actively reading due to my growth in my source of entertainment and my passions have wandered into other fields. But that doesn’t mean that my love for books has dissipated. It hasn’t. Not in the slightest. To be completely honest, I have a habit of choosing books based on the appearance of the front cover. However, if the cover is utterly lackluster, I will try to give it the benefit of the doubt to give it a chance. There is not one book that holds a particular space in my heart but they are all special to me, in their own ways, as cheesy as that sounds.


  1. Diamond Jacobs

    Allison, I want to quote ” books are a doorway to a fictional landscape ” this is such a powerful statement that resonates with me. Like you in my preteen years, I filled my days with many YA novels and other fictional books that brought me the most joy . Using the word landscape to describe books is something I never thought of but it reflects my experience spot on. With literature I am my most authentic creative self when reading or writing, and that’s similar to a landscape it’s visible and massive and sometimes never-ending and books are just that for me something to cherish forever. Great word choices I can tell you are a very descriptive person .

  2. Allison, I want to quote ” books are a doorway to a fictional landscape ” this is such a powerful statement that resonates with me. Like you in my preteen years, I filled my days with many YA novels and other fictional books that brought me the most joy . Using the word landscape to describe books is something I never thought of but it reflects my experience spot on. With literature I am my most authentic creative self when reading or writing, and that’s similar to a landscape it’s visible and massive and sometimes never-ending and books are just that for me something to cherish forever. Great word choices I can tell you are a very descriptive person.

  3. I wonder, Allison, if you think there are different types of readers based on how they choose books? I think an attractive cover says a lot, though I’m more of a dustjacket kind of person. If the blurb about the book doesn’t get me, than I’m probably not going to try reading it.

    Do you engage with textual forms outside of books? For instance, how do you read Op-Eds before you write for Pandora’s Box?

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