Manga/Anime Digitizing
Manga/Anime Digitizing

Manga/Anime Digitizing

Part 1:

Primary source :

We plan on digitizing the printed materials. Color, drawing, detail in text, outside coloring, texture, both soft draft and rough, and we also plan on adding it videos from fight scenes of the manga series that was animated but censored due to censoredship.

We aim to transition between the black and white color of manga, the colorization of manga, and the anime-adaption of the manga in response to how it’s displayed.

The target audience is young teens and adults who are heavily interested in both anime and manga and can see the enormous transition and changes from early manga, late manga, and present manga format(also the animation detail).

If I’m being honest, it’s hard to tell which examples are related to my project because they need to know what I am going for with my project.

Media gallery, timeline, table of contents and annotation will definitely play a major part in our project. I feel the media gallery will definitely be the biggest highlight because the transition will be huge benefactor towards our viewers and audience.

Part 2

The first link ”


I find to be interesting there is a strong view for historical reference of how people lived during the Civil War time before and after in Illion’s. Which to the people of that state will be a very interesting to learn about it gives and nice glow of the table content. You can see what part of the prestation that will interest the vast connection in-between the table content and other various chapters and pages in the presentation connect with each other.

This website holds a lot of good benefits if you are interested in historical events or periods that show the various outgoing changes during that time. Even looking or finding before and after pictures can help the experience be fun and for the audiences most definitely geared a little more towards people of color but mainly to the general population due to how informative it is, and typically most schools won’t cover the historical events in their state when it comes to slavery.

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