ENG 410: Digital Book History
Blog #3

Blog #3

This week we’re thinking about the machine evolution of the book. Before you begin this blog, please watch the following videos:

Once you’re done, write a blog post that reflects on how you think the invention of the printing press changed the ways people produced and circulated information. How do you see this invention having an effect on things like audience, knowledge acquisition, availability of information, or knowledge production? Given how many people are clearly involved in this production process, how might you describe/imagine authorship and collaboration worked in this period?

Blog posts should be at least 250 words long and engage thoughtfully and meaningfully with the content. All blogs are due before midnight the day before class (Tuesday). Aim to respond to at least 2 peers before class begins (~5:30pm) so we can be ready for engaging discussion.

To create a post, make sure you’re SIGNED IN, and then use the +New sign at the top of the page. Please make sure you select the category for the blog number we’re using so everything stays organized! You will also be required to add a featured image — this can be anything you like, preferably an image that has a Creative Commons license.