ENG 410: Digital Book History
Blog #7

Blog #7

This blog is divided in two parts.

Part I:

Please take the time to explore the User Guide for Scalar and map out your goals for the project. Use this blog to outline the following:

  1. Link to the primary source you are working with and discuss the specific pages/content you hope to create around this source. If you’re digitizing printed materials, explain how you plan to photography and store the images related to your book.
  2. What is the narrative you want this project to explore? In other words, what story are you aiming to tell through the images/text you are editing?
  3. Who is your target audience, and what do you want them to learn about your primary source(s)?
  4. Looking through the examples in the Final Project instructions, which project feels more closely aligned with your work, and why?
  5. What elements of Scalar seem most appropriate for your project (e.g. paths, tags, annotations, media gallery, timeline, table of contents)?

Part II:

Please explore these two websites in advance of Dr. Froehlich’s visit: https://coloredconventions.org/ and https://archaeologyofreading.org/viewer/. Answer the following questions: 

  • What kinds of materials are included in these websites? How do we access them?
  • What are some ways we can interact with their content? 
  • What are some benefits of having these websites? Are there any downsides?
  • Is there anything you wanted to do with the content, but couldn’t figure out how to do? What was it?

All blogs are due before midnight the day before class (Tuesday). Aim to respond to at least 2 peers before class begins (~5:30pm) so we can be ready for engaging discussion.

To create a post, make sure you’re SIGNED IN, and then use the +New sign at the top of the page. Please make sure you select the category for the blog number we’re using so everything stays organized! You will also be required to add a featured image — this can be anything you like, preferably an image that has a Creative Commons license.