Blog #7
Blog #7

Blog #7

  1. Primary source : Schomburg Center for Research in Black Culture, Jean Blackwell Hutson Research and Reference Division, The New York Public Library. (1943). Adventure in Black and White Retrieved from  . We plan on digitizing printed materials, such as the content of pages we cover, adding resources and photographs,  planning  on storing images as downloads and screenshots and also linking them in .
  1. The narrative we want this project to explore is an informational yet entertaining piece as we will be providing our own commentary, annotations ,introduction and images or additional resources that connect to the message of our primary source. These resources can range from YouTube links, memes , additional readings etc. 
  1. Our target audience are children, their parents, educators , and people who are interested in literature or aspiring authors. We want our audience to gain knowledge on the elements of  children’s books, its techniques , how to navigate it and its effect on children’s learning and interest. Sharing a little bit of our own experiences .
  1. We believe that the project that feels more closely aligned to ours would be because the style of this project from the images to the menu(table of contents) is very similar to the way we want ours to look. When looking at this page, everything is self explanatory. It is easy to navigate and that is something we both want for our final project. Especially because our audience is children, parents, educators etc. Therefore, we really want it to be easy to read and navigate without it being too overwhelming to get through.
  1. The elements of Scalar that seem most appropriate for our project would be a table of contents, annotations and we’ll be using media to make connections to our primary source.

Part 2

The website’s materials for the Colored Conventions Project include photographs, summaries, texts, and, tables of contents. You can access them by clicking on anywhere that says, “Explore all Exhibits”. For the Archaeology website everything was very clear, either search for a book or look at the ones that are on the main page and click on one and then go through the content, images etc.

Some ways where can interact with their content is by exploring the topics mentioned in both websites. It can serve us as a primary or secondary source. In the archaeology of reading website there’s a lot of images which helps when trying to really picture what you’re reading.

The Colored Conventions Project website has a drawback of being overwhelming or even confusing to navigate because it has a lot of tabs and links. That was a bit confusing for me when I was going through the website. On the other hand, the Archaeology of Reading website the books are individually photographed which I liked because it creates a sense of it being personal.

After navigating through both websites, I can’t think of anything I want to do with the content.


  1. Hi Lisbel,

    What exactly is your narrative about? What is it that you’ll be discussing? Also, I agree with your point about how the Colored Conventions Project website is confusing to navigate around in spite of its clear indicators and tabs. It’s like a maze with the amount of redirects the website has. I also felt a sense of the Archaeology of Reading website being personal because of how the photographs of the original texts were individually taken. It’s like having a virtual art gallery at your own convenience.

  2. Hi Lisbel, Part 1 seems to be a good idea of having the project in an information and entertaining sense. The target audience includes children so I believe a lot of images would be effective in enhancing the project. I like the idea of using the colored conventions Project in part 2 to navigate while creating your project. Whilst it may sometimes seem hard to navigate, it has information that is useful. It is somewhat creative; the pictures are very interesting to look at. The individual photograph books make it more appealing and gives a feeling of being an artist.

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