Blog 8
Blog 8

Blog 8

  1. What part of using Scalar felt easiest, or most intuitive to you? Why do you think that was?

The parts of scalar that felt the easiest / most intuitive to us were uploading and embedding media because we are used to using programs such as Google slides and when we create our blogs adding media is much similar to this setting . Also to add a page was also easy as we are used to this function as well.

  1. What part of using Scalar felt most difficult or confusing? Were you able to resolve the problem, or are you still stuck?

The videos were quite explanatory and helpful although one confusing part that came off quite overwhelming was navigating the difference between insert scalar media link and interest inline scalar media link.

  1. Of all the features covered in the videos, which are you most excited to apply to your project?

-We’re most excited to apply the use of adding annotations and media.

  1. Finally, try to map out the pages and paths you will need to build in our workshop next week:
  • Consider what kinds of images, links, and annotations you may need to draft (keeping in mind images need to be their own pages, same for annotations).

We will be needing images of the pages we are discussing, other links to recommend children’s books and other supported readings. Our annotations would be our own analysis of specific parts we want readers to pay attention to ,or any other commentary .

  • Make a list of what kinds of information you need to gather and/or write up (e.g. introduction, sources, metadata)

-Introduction; annotate the pages of our primary source; summary of the 6 scholarly sources and connecting it back to the primary source

  • List the kinds of layouts you may want to include in your project

-Image and media layout or the regular scalar default layout

  • Draft your table of contents, including any subsections that branch out from other pages

​​​​Table of Contents:

·  Introduction

·  Experiment with a Zebra

·  The Jungle at Last

·  The Uses of a Pebble

·  We Are All Proud of You

·  Thematic Analysis Bibliography          


  1. Hi Lisbel,

    I agree with you about the confusion between the insert scalar media link versus insert inline scalar media link. While I did see that for insert scalar media link, you have to highlight a certain phrase or sentence to include that media link whereas for the interest inline scalar media link, you simply need to have space for the media link, I still don’t know which is better, or rather when should you use insert scalar media link versus insert inline scalar media link? Hopefully, as we get to working with them and actually using them, we will be able to have an answer.

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