Digital Book History
Digital Book History

Digital Book History

Blog #6

“A Hornbook for Digital Book History with Whitney Trettien “on youtube video was very informative. Digital Book History is defined as digital representation of books in a modified way or history of books done digitally. Whitney Trettien helps us to understand that there is a rich history of books that are produced digitally to preserve and give a clearer picture of why some books are digitized. Trettien said that books today are books as file in a digital way, we have to study software and study supply chain of books’’. The kinds of digital approaches to the study of the book are I am most drawn to the different types of books she showed and how fascinating they are in their production. I also liked the global network of books that have different materials such as manuscripts. Digital tools also help to preserve special books. The present history of digital will illuminate deeper understanding of materials that are used for books. There are important terms that Whitney Trettien dive into to understand digital book history, these includes: Substrate, Platform, Interface, and Format. Digital book history has paved the way for many of us to become digitized in how we gather and give important information.

I will be looking into making a comic children book. Kehinde and I will be working together to create a project. I will be using pictures of cartoons that children will love and will make pop up books that will be attractive.  We will look at the Black experience of Children books as these appeals to me. Painting will also be used to bring out the artistry of the project.

I will be looking into making a comic children book. Kehinde and I will be working together to create a project. I will be using pictures of cartoons that children will love and will make pop up books that will be attractive.  We will look at the Black experience of Children books as these appeals to me. Painting will also be used to bring out the artistry of the project.

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