The materiality/form and content are of utmost importance in viewing a book. The content of the book is important however this should not take away from the materiality/form of a book. The material of some books is sometimes very expensive, and it tells a lot about the book without focusing on the content. The material and content are what makes a book unique and should be observed. The material or form of a book can tell a story of the book and will inspire and attract a vast amount of audience. From the Books of Books blog the ABC Book no.764 alluded to the material being created to withstand the unavoidable harsh treatment by children. These books were made from cloth instead of papers making it more durable to protect the content. The makers of these books apparently take into consideration the target audience of these books.

 Another example of books that the materiality and form is very appealing, was the Batters 1996. The material that are used tells the story of the book.  The pages show a unique artistry of earthskin made from paper clay and pigments. These were supposed to depict the abuse of the earth. This highlights the type of content the book has.  The color coordination makes it even more interesting and thus enhancing the overall materiality/form and content of the book.

The material of books should captivate readers and makes it easier to fall in love with books. A book should be recognized in terms of the materiality, form, and content of it because these goes hand in hand to understand its purpose.

One comment

  1. Hello Sharwane,

    I like your statement about the material of books playing a part in making readers fall in love with a book. I’m more iffy on whether or not artist books should be considered “books” because of what I think a book actually is, but I think your argument is swaying me. Sometimes the material of a book really is imperative and adds to the value of a book.

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