Hand and Hand
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Hand and Hand

Literature has taken many forms in regards to the materiality of content or lack thereof . They share a common relationship to understand a book’s content; materiality plays a major role . For example from the Books on Books blog  the post The Gospel of Mary is an abstract piece of literature that takes on an unusual form that doesn’t mimic the average book . However this doesn’t mean the content lacks significance. This art format has many material objects along with content. If you get rid of those material objects that shape the form of the book it diminishes the meaning of the work as a whole . As stated “it’s pulp painting letterpress , woven binding and layout make this work important addition to works of by Claire Van Vliet.” The material objects of this book were collaborations with other artists and writers. To understand the message of this piece it’s important to analyze the materiality. Another example of the relationship between materiality and content is seen in the post Woven and Interlocking Book Structures , this is another complex format . This book can be seen as a puzzle if parts go missing(material objects) or aren’t held to the same value as the content ,can one make sense of the work as a whole? The designing  of this book is made to be interactive between the content and the form readers can get a sense of the time and effort that was put into making this book . They can form a deeper understanding of the content  with pieces  right in front of them that goes hand in hand . The color scheme offers a pattern for readers creating a book within a book . I see the relationship between materiality and the content as an illumination of the book as a whole. It brings more audiences and interpretations of the work , some may not favor it and see it as a hassle because it’s not the norm and others will embrace it . Content is the foundation of materiality , it should inform the decision on the layout of a book. Lastly I think it’s important to study these books features in relation to one another  because there is no one right way to read a book . With the different type of readers some may benefit from the materiality and some may rely heavily on the content however they are one in the same. Both relate to a deeper understanding and appreciation of the book itself . 


  1. Hi Diamond,

    I agree with your idea that form and content can inform each other. You chose two excellent examples to illustrate your point. In both examples, it is clear that the form of the books adds value to the content, and one part can’t really be fully appreciated without the other.

    Do you think that form needs to be this apparent to add value to the content, or can it do it more subtly?

  2. Hi Diamond,
    I really enjoyed reading your post, and how informative you were about the books that interest you from the blog. I don’t even need to see the books you chose but can imagine the material and content of the books with the way you described it. I also see the connection between the material and the content as illuminating the whole book. overall, great post!

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