

Things gradually began to pick up speed during this century when it came to printing information . The invention of the printing press was one of the causes for the widespread of circulating information. As described in the youtube video “A Brief History of Moveable Type” it as quoted the “best invention in the last millennium”. This was the start of something new. This invention lead to the mass production of the Bible ,one example of how it changed the ways people produced and circulated information. This was a quicker way with many people involved and steps. Ideas began to spread as it sparked many movements as The Renassiance and many more. Word got around to a large number of people than before . I think this invention has a positive and negative effect on things like audience . For instance being that word can reach thousands amount of people what if the unintended audience get the message , it will be too late to intercept this from happening . However this can spark a movement as proven before many can get enlighten and interpret information differently which can bring on new ideas. Historically humankind has been proven to be selfish and greedy individuals , there is always a power struggle. Which is still common today . So, in the period of the printing press that involve many people in the production process authorship was probably confrontational. I would describe it as a lot of “me , mine’s , I’s” going around everyone wanted to get their names out there and reap the success. I do believe the rightful author is Guttenberg himself and everyone after are editors/collaborators.


  1. Hi Diamond,

    When you said, “For instance being that word can reach thousands amount of people what if the unintended audience get the message, it will be too late to intercept this from happening.”, I immediately interpreted this in a bad light. What do you mean in this context? Can you specify the unintended audience? Shouldn’t everyone be allowed to access and gain knowledge/information regardless of who they are, where they’re from, or their backgrounds?

    1. Hi Elvis thank you for the comment you definitely brought a new perspective of how
      I can see my response I agree. However I’m thinking in terms of a poster requesting a specific audience or even a religious book that’s for a specific group so the unintended audience would be people not of that party that goes against those specific views but I like your point and yes everyone should be allowed to be informed on what the deem their interest.

  2. Hey Diamond

    What interests me in your blog was when you mentioned the mass production of the Bible at the time of the printing press. I find that extremely interesting because at a time when religion wasn’t so far spread out, the only way to speak to people about their religious beliefs was through kidnapping or enslavement. But once the printing press started to make its fall on the world, people started to change their narrative on what can be said. I strongly agreed with what you said: “Historically humankind has been proven to be selfish and greedy individuals, there is always a power struggle.” And that is true because, with every, invention we have made thus far, there is no positive outcome we can truly come to see and agree on. Everyone has a right to speak their mind and who takes what that person said to the heart can be damaging.

  3. Hi Diamond,
    Indeed, the advent of printing information signified a dramatic change in how individuals convey and receive information. Without the printing press, it is unlikely that anyone would have considered disseminating information to a large audience. Like other modern means for sharing and receiving information, this invention has pros and cons. For example, like you’ve mentioned information can reach the wrong audience, producing confusion or danger, especially if an opponent gets it. On the other hand, it promoted the distribution of information to a large audience, thereby informing people and contributing to the modern world’s civilization and globalization.

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