My love
My love

My love

Hi my name is Diamond Jacobs and I am a book lover . I will be the last one standing outside when the oldest library is in foreclosure with a sign stating “ Books are humans too” . That is my relationship with books. I love them like a family member. They can get on my nerves but love is never lost. From a young age I remember my brother and I practically living in the library by our childhood home in Bedstuy. My mother took us there religiously and when we wanted to get fancy we went to Barnes and Noble after seeing a movie in the court street cinema. Just like my music taste I prefer any kind of book, new or old, anything that I find interesting. I don’t really choose books by covers but rather titles and then I will read the little blurb and I’m sold. The first book I remember interacting with is Because of Winn Dixie by Kate DiCamillo in second grade. There are over 40 books in my home ranging from magazines , manuals , textbooks , and self-interest books stored in my bookshelf . Most of our books come from Barnes and Noble , or Amazon . One book that is special to me is my copy of The Coldest Winter Ever by Sister Souljah because my mother read this when she was younger and recommended I read it around the same age she was and I was hooked . I guess it’s just a hereditary interest.This book isn’t in the great condition the cover is missing but I think that adds an extra flare to it because I intend to pass it down to my daughter one day.  Many of the books in my home are in ok condition which means we use them haha. Lastly reflecting on knowledge and our discussion in class I believe a book is something that has meaning ,is built off of ideas and a story is evident anything that lacks differs. I don’t really know how to answer this question further because I don’t believe a book is a book based on its physical form . However, a blog differs from a book because of the word length .  I think the right type of mood that fits a podcast is someone who has a conversational or inviting voice depending on the topic at bay. With books the readers kind of imagine what that voice would be like if any .


  1. Hi Diamond,
    After reading your post I can tell you’re really a book lover. I’m kind of jealous that your mom took you to libraries as a kid, that’s amazing. I’m sure that’s a memory you’ll have with you forever. I say i’m jealous because I didn’t really grow up reading books or any of that because my family aren’t really readers and they didn’t grow up reading books unless it was for school. So that something that i want to change one day when I have my own family and do what your mom did with you, take my kids to libraries and have them read at an early age. Plus reading does make you smarter, so that’s a bonus. Thank you for sharing your relationship with books. Btw, great picture and nice collection!

  2. Hey,
    Thank you for sharing your story with regards to reading. It actually astonishes me to see someone who is a book lover and has a wide collection of hardcover books because of, obviously, these days with the Internet being the new main source of entertainment and information. I also agree with your opinion about the right mood fitting with the podcast. I personally listen to Ear Biscuits which is situated around an in-depth conversation between two lifelong friends and they talk about everything and anything. Sometimes they can go off-topic, but that’s what makes it a casual conversation-like podcast – sometimes people go off-topic when they’re talking to their friends.

  3. Wassup Diamond
    I enjoyed reading your blog, your love for books and reading is admirable and love seeing your passion for books. Lol I wish my passion was strong like yours. But I still love reading regardless. I love the fact that you claim the books to be ‘family’ to you. I love that. In of my favorite lines from this was “Book are humans too”. I agree with that quote because like books we age and they age was well. They have a beginning and end. And like books as we age the moral understand from what we read from the book is valued. Just like wisdom from your elders. I love that connects you made. A hobby that is pass down from one generation to the next. I LOVE TO SEE IT!.

  4. Diamond I think you can tell your reflection really spoke to a lot of us! I think the idea of books as heritage and rites of passage is really powerful. I have some strong memories as well of books being passed to me that were once my father’s (my favorite as a kid being a book named, “Why”). What you’re speaking of here — records of how people read, how they keep and pass on books, and what books say about their community — is very much a subject of book history studies, and a great window into understanding real people behind historical moments.

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