Blog Post 2- Construction
Blog Post 2- Construction

Blog Post 2- Construction

In a modern world, technology rules over 75% of what we do. It’s hard to believe the evolution of one item can change a significant pattern in history and re-shape what the form of reading and writing looks like. Although many believe that the construct of the codex should be left to it original form. It’s hard to agree with their reasoning. From the YouTube video and our textbook The Book. It raises many questions, I believe that must be thought about. Can we strongly classify a book as a form of technology? and if we can why do we consider it technology? For as long as humankind been around we have only little to work with; when we were new to the universe. Our first texts were in drawings to illustrate our daily lives. But as time move forward our knowledge grew. The understanding of hunting and gathering became a gold mine for us. What the earth had to offer, we made use of it. Our minds were beginning to take in so much information that we may forget so we need to seal up this data. So we continued to evolve the way information was stored. From scripts to paper-book to computers. These were all forms of technology used to the advancement of the human race. Rosetta Stone is an extremely important advancement in understanding ancient text we can’t understand.

Being able to have clear cut data on the past we know nothing about from as far as artifacts and scripts, scrolls are helpful. But in some cases technology will have to play it’s role in figuring out certain messages we just can’t understand. We have an instinct to know more and to develop. But how can we create or understand something that beyond us by just reading it? I still believe the inventions of scrolls and papyrus were useful for the advancement of writing and reading because it expand our own very existence. Imagine, only sticking to one form of writing or reading. I know I will get bored overtime. So the construction of books throughout history to me was needed.

Personally I view books like computers, data can always be found if preserved and kept well. The codex when preserved tell many stories than before.


  1. Hi,
    I believe that books can be considered technology since their material form has evolved through various forms, including scrolls and codex. The ability of modern books to undergo various transformations to become a critical source for sharing information and ideas that are important to human civilization makes them qualify as technology. Additionally, books can be classified as a form of technology in the digital age due to their ability to be integrated with other forms of technology, such as computers and tablets. Therefore, the development of books was a critical technology in human civilization and is a form of technology that expands access to information and ideas that helps individuals in modern society to create and understand other forms of technology.

  2. Hey,

    I like all the thought provoking questions , through me reading your blog I thought about these questions frequently. Considering a book as technology is an interesting concept as I taken my fair share in education courses prior to this class as technology comes in many forms .The way we access and handle books is a form of technology. Lastly I like how your response emphasizes the great impact of technology and how we access books ,technology rules a lot of things and you described that well. All in all good read .

  3. Kehinde, lots to think about here, especially with regards to how writing and books have come out of our need to keep and remember information. Very true indeed! The digital space is not as reliable as we think (especially websites), so perhaps one thing we can explore further this semester is how projects live and die — where are they archived? How long do they survive? What is the most stable form of digital preservation?

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